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Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Systems and Applications
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Modern Technological Systems
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Prof. Kin C. Yow
University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I'm delighted to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of
Journal of Advances in Information Technology
is intended to reflect new directions of research and report latest advances in information technology. I will do my best to increase the prestige of the journal.
What's New
JAIT has launched a new Topic: "Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Modern Technological Systems."
JAIT Vol. 16, No. 2 has been published online!
All the 141 papers published in JAIT in 2024 have been indexed by Scopus.
Published Issues
Maximum Overlap Discrete Transform (MODT)—Gaussian Kernel Radial Network (GKRN) Model for Epileptic Seizure Detection from EEG Signals
Research on Substation Engineering Estimates Based on BIM-DE-RF
An Efficient Synchronization Model in Random Word Educational Games with Multiplayer Platforms
Evaluating the Effectiveness of YOLO Models in Different Sized Object Detection and Feature-Based Classification of Small Objects
The Improvement of PUF-Based Authentication in IoT Systems
Implementation of Zero Trust Security to Reduce Ransomware Attacks in the Philippines: A Literature Review
Handling Class Imbalance in Google Cluster Dataset Using a New Hybrid Sampling Approach
Secure and Smart Teleradiology Framework Integrated with Technology-Based Fault Detection (CVT-FD)
Live Memory Forensics Investigations: A Comparative Analysis
An Algorithm to Optimize Concurrent VoIP Calls Across Wireless Mesh Networks
An Intelligent Deep Learning Architecture Using Multi-scale Residual Network Model for Image Interpolation
Towards Flight Delays Reduction: The Effect of Aircraft Type and Part of Day on Arrival Delays Prediction
Research Opportunities in Microservices Quality Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review
Emergency Automobile Data Transmission with Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
A Model for Deployment of Dedicated Connected Autonomous Vehicle Lanes Considering User Fairness
A Novel Web Recommendation Model Based on the Web Usage Mining Technique
OpenPose Technology Based Yoga Exercise Guidance Functions by Hint Messages and Scores Evaluation for Dynamic and Static Yoga Postures
An Optimized Deep Learning Based Malicious Nodes Detection in Intelligent Sensor-Based Systems Using Blockchain
Regression-Based Machine Learning Framework for Customer Churn Prediction in Telecommunication Industry
CRL+: A Novel Semi-Supervised Deep Active Contrastive Representation Learning-Based Text Classification Model for Insurance Data
Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing
Analysis of Language Model Role in Improving Machine Translation Accuracy for Extremely Low Resource Languages
Image Recognition Based on High Accuracy 3D Depth Map Information
Applying an Image Technology to Estimates Values of Nitrite in Processed Meat Products
Reducing the Effect of Denial of Service in Web Service Environment
Adaptive Hybridized Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Subspace Clustering on High Dimensional Data
Performance Analysis of ERS Techniques for Next-Generation Opportunistic Networks
Sequential Decision Making for Elevator Control
AI Based Secure Analytics of Clinical Data in Cloud Environment: Towards Smart Cities and Healthcare
Using of Recurrent Neural Network with a Refine Model to Compose Vietnamese Luc-Bat Poems for Human-Robot Verbal Interactions
MFTs-Net: A Deep Learning Approach for High Similarity Date Fruit Recognition
Improving Autonomous Vehicle Performance through Integration of an Image Deraining and a Deep Learning-Based Network for Lane Following
Convolutional Neural Network-Based Fall Detection for the Elderly Person Monitoring
Community Detection Methods in Library’s Books and Borrowers Social Network Segmentation
Deep Learning for Glaucoma Detection: R-CNN ResNet-50 and Image Segmentation
Throughput Prediction in Dense IEEE 802.11 WLANs Using Graph Neural Networks
Enhancing Sentiment Analysis on Social Media with Novel Preprocessing Techniques
Smart and Guide Hat for Blind Persons in Smart Cities Using Deep Learning
Onboard Processing of Drone Imagery for Military Vehicles Classification Using Enhanced YOLOv5
Towards a Transparent and an Environmental-Friendly Approach for Short Text Topic Detection: A Comparison of Methods for Performance, Transparency, and Carbon Footprint
Gradient Boosting and LSTM Based Hybrid Ensemble Learning for Two Step Prediction of Stock Market
Observation-Centric with Appearance Metric for Computer Vision-Based Vehicle Counting
Improved Model for Skin Illnesses Classification Utilizing Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Convolution Neural Network
A Deep Learning Based Effective Model for Brain Tumor Segmentation and Classification Using MRI Images
Development of an Ensemble Modeling Framework for Data Analytics in Supply Chain Management
Identification and Classification of Diseases Based on Object Detection and Majority Voting of Bounding Boxes
M2FRED Analysis Using MobileNet and Siamese Neural Network
DRLNet: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Network for Hybrid Features Extraction and Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
A Framework for Youth Sentiment Analysis Using Natural Language Processing
Multi-criteria Collaborative Filtering Model Based on Contextual Rating Data
Leveraging the Training Data Partitioning to Improve Events Characterization in Intrusion Detection Systems
Flow Analysis of Vehicles on a Lane Using Deep Learning Techniques
A Novel Sparse Image Reconstruction Based on Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Using Diagonal Regularization
Synthetic Financial Time Series Generation with Regime Clustering
Kazakh Speech Recognition: Wav2vec2.0 vs. Whisper
An Efficient CSPK-FCM Explainable Artificial Intelligence Model on COVID-19 Data to Predict the Emotion Using Topic Modeling
Development of Interactive System of Robotic Head
Enhancing Prediction Accuracy in Gastric Cancer Using High-Confidence Machine Learning Models for Class Imbalance
Enhancing Depression Prediction Accuracy Using Filter and Wrapper-Based Visual Feature Extraction
Implementation of Quasi-Newton Method Based on BFGS Algorithm for Identification and Optimization of Signal Propagation Loss Model Parameters
Vision-Based Monitoring and Control for 3D Printing Process with Dynamic ROI and Path Modification Algorithm
Neural Network-Based Crowd Counting Systems: State of the Art, Challenges, and Perspectives
Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma Using Combination of Deep Learning and Hand-Crafted Radiomic Features in MRI Images
163 items