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Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Systems and Applications
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Modern Technological Systems
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Prof. Kin C. Yow
University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I'm delighted to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of
Journal of Advances in Information Technology
is intended to reflect new directions of research and report latest advances in information technology. I will do my best to increase the prestige of the journal.
What's New
JAIT has launched a new Topic: "Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Modern Technological Systems."
JAIT Vol. 16, No. 2 has been published online!
All the 141 papers published in JAIT in 2024 have been indexed by Scopus.
Published Issues
Fuzzy Based Butterfly Life Cycle Algorithm for Measuring Company's Growth Performance
Computer Vision-Based IoT Architecture for Post COVID-19 Preventive Measures
Philippines' Free Wi-Fi Roll-out Project: Safe or Not?
Gamelan Melody Generation Using LSTM Networks Controlled by Composition Meter Rules and Special Notes
A Vehicle Sensor Network for Real-Time Air Pollution Analysis
Intelligent Traffic Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks in Agricultural Environment
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning in Predicting the Treatment Status of COVID-19 Patients
An Optimized Machine Learning Approach for Coronary Artery Disease Detection
The New Collective Signature Schemes Based on Two Hard Problems Using Schnorr's Signature Standard
The Impact of Objectively Recorded Smartphone Usage and Emotional Intelligence on Problematic Internet Usage
An Automated Deep Learning Framework for Human Identity and Gender Detection
An Intelligent Arabic Model for Recruitment Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning
Energy Prediction for Mobile Sink Placement by Deep Maxout Network in WSN
Identification of Leaf Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithm for Improving the Agricultural System
Ensuring Cloud Data Security Using the Soldier Ant Algorithm
Analysis of Playing Positions in Tennis Match Videos to Assess Competition Using a Centroid Clustering Heatmap Prediction Technique
Algorithm for Safety Decisions in Social Media Feeds Using Personification Patterns
A Novel Distributed Machine Learning Model to Detect Attacks on Edge Computing Network
Face Detection in Close-up Shot Video Events Using Video Mining
Using IoT-Enabled RFID Smart Cards in an Indoor People-Movement Tracking System with Risk Assessment
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Spam Detection
A Novel Fuzzy-Based Thresholding Approach for Blood Vessel Segmentation from Fundus Image
Detection of Cookie Bomb Attacks in Cloud Computing Environment Monitored by SIEM
Client-Based Distributed Video Conferencing via WebRTC
A Comprehensive Survey on Finger Vein Biometric
Masked Face Detection and Recognition System Based on Deep Learning Algorithms
Clickbait Detection in Indonesian News Title with Gray Unbalanced Class Based on BERT
A Coloured Image Watermarking Based on Genetic K-Means Clustering Methodology
A Generational Cohort Comparison of Icon Selection Accuracy under Varying Conditions of Icon Entropy and Concreteness
Nonlinear Optimal Control Using Sequential Niching Differential Evolution and Parallel Workers
A Weighted Ensemble of VAR and LSTM for Multivariate Forecasting of Cloud Resource Usage
Balanced Truncation Approach for Unstable Continuous Systems Based on Mapping
Analysis of Ransomware Using Reverse Engineering Techniques to Develop Effective Countermeasures
Extractive Text Summarization for Indonesian News Article Using Ant System Algorithm
A Novel Approach to Forecast Crude Oil Prices Using Machine Learning and Technical Indicators
Forecasting Volatility in Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) Model with Outliers
Corpus-Based Vocabulary List for Thai Language
Large-Scale Insect Pest Image Classification
Firefly with Levy Based Feature Selection with Multilayer Perceptron for Sentiment Analysis
Employee Reimbursement System for a Manufacturing Company
Parallel Software Encryption of AES Algorithm by Using CAM-Based Massive-Parallel SIMD Matrix Core for Mobile Accelerator
Breast Cancer Classification Using an Extreme Gradient Boosting Model with F-Score Feature Selection Technique
Development of an Electronic Nose for Harmful Gases with Prediction Modeling Using Machine Learning
Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
Multi-class Classification Approach for Retinal Diseases
Spelling Check: A New Cognition-Inspired Sequence Learning Memory
An Approach for Person Detection along with Object Using Machine Learning
Automatic Diagnosis of Rice Leaves Diseases Using Hybrid Deep Learning Model
An Analysis and Comparison of Proprietary and Open-Source Software for Building E-commerce Website: A Case Study
A New Refined-TLBO Aided Bi-Generative Adversarial Network for Finger Vein Recognition
A Survey on DDoS Detection and Prevention Mechanism
Recommendation System of Food Package Using Apriori and FP-Growth Data Mining Methods
Intelligent Fault Detection Based on Reinforcement Learning Technique on Distribution Networks
An Approach to Improving Intrusion Detection System Performance Against Low Frequent Attacks
Efficient FPGA-Based Convolutional Neural Network Implementation for Edge Computing
Three-Dimensional Convolutional Approaches for the Verification of Deepfake Videos: The Effect of Image Depth Size on Authentication Performance
Causal Inference and Conditional Independence Testing with RCoT
Automated Resource Management System Based upon Container Orchestration Tools Comparison
Advanced Real Time Embedded Book Braille System
Recommendation System with Content-Based Filtering in NFT Marketplace
An Efficient Model to Predict Network Packets in TVDC Using Machine Learning
A Model to Prevent Gray Hole Attack in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Utilizing Word Index Approach with LSTM Architecture for Extracting Adverse Drug Reaction from Medical Reviews
Optimized Deep Neural Networks Audio Tagging Framework for Virtual Business Assistant
Crowdsensing: Assessment of Cognitive Fitness Using Machine Learning
DASS-21 Based Psychometric Prediction Using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
Designing an Android Application for Electronic Booking in Health Clinics and Building Health Record System
Comparative Study on Model Skill of ERT and LSTM in Classifying Proper or Improper Execution of Free Throw, Jump Shot, and Layup Basketball Maneuvers
Evaluation of Illumination in 3D Scenes Based on Heat Maps Comparison
Fake News Detection in Social Media: Hybrid Deep Learning Approaches
Detecting Unusual Activities in Local Network Using Snort and Wireshark Tools
Intrusion Detection System in IoT Based on GA-ELM Hybrid Method
A Literature Review on the Pervasiveness of Ransomware Threats and Attacks in the Philippines
Empirical Evaluation of Machine Learning Performance in Forecasting Cryptocurrencies
k-Anonymity Based on Tuple Migration in Sharing Data
HASumRuNNer: An Extractive Text Summarization Optimization Model Based on a Gradient-Based Algorithm
Fusion of CNN-QCSO for Content Based Image Retrieval
Improvised Explosive Device Detection Using CNN With X-Ray Images
A Distributed Software Project Management Framework
Multi-speaker Speech Separation under Reverberation Conditions Using Conv-Tasnet
Towards Ideal and Efficient Recommendation Systems Based on the Five Evaluation Concepts Promoting Serendipity
Demystifying Blockchain: A Critical Analysis of Application Characteristics in Different Domains
Open Banking API Framework to Improve the Online Transaction between Local Banks in Egypt Using Blockchain Technology
Using Artificial Neural Network to Test Image Covert Communication Effect
Comparison of Shoulder Range of Motion Evaluation by Traditional and Semi-Automatic Methods
Authentication and Role-Based Authorization in Microservice Architecture: A Generic Performance-Centric Design
Data Mining for Managing and Using Online Information on Facebook
Improved Model to Detect Cancer from Cervical Histopathology Images by Optimizing Feature Selection and Ensemble Classifier
Advances in the Development of an Algorithm for Parametric Identification of Egyptian Hieroglyphs Using Artificial Vision
Linguistic Driven Feature Selection for Text Classification as Stop Word Replacement
Improving Performance of Fuzzy-Based Handoff for Spectrum Utilization in Cognitive Radio Network Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Malicious Agricultural IoT Traffic Detection and Classification: A Comparative Study of ML Classifiers
Improved Opinion Mining for Unstructured Data Using Machine Learning Enabling Business Intelligence
Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging for Standard Brunei Malay: A Probabilistic and Neural-Based Approach
Deep Image: An Efficient Image-Based Deep Conventional Neural Network Method for Android Malware Detection
An Effective Time-Sharing Switch Migration Scheme for Load Balancing in Software Defined Networking
Sentiment Analysis of Amazon Product Reviews by Supervised Machine Learning Models
PWMStem: A Corpus-Based Suffix Identification and Stripping Algorithm for Multi-lingual Stemming
A Simple and Effective Evaluation Method for Fault-Tolerant Routing Methods in Network-on-Chips
Maximum Overlap Discrete Transform (MODT)—Gaussian Kernel Radial Network (GKRN) Model for Epileptic Seizure Detection from EEG Signals
163 items