Home > Published Issues > 2023 > Volume 14, No. 5, 2023 >
JAIT 2023 Vol.14(5): 1003-1011
doi: 10.12720/jait.14.5.1003-1011

Emergency Automobile Data Transmission with Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)

Chetana Hemant Nemade 1,2,* and Uma Pujeri 1
1. School of Computer Engineering and Technology, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune, India; Email: uma.pujeri@mitwpu.edu.in (U.P.)
2. School of Computer Engineering, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Academy of Engineering (MITAOE), Alandi(D), Pune, India
*Correspondence: chnemade@mitaoe.ac.in (C.H.N.)

Manuscript received December 29, 2022; revised February 6, 2023; accepted March 20, 2023; published September 25, 2023.

Abstract—Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANET) have grown in popularity recently. Several analytical challenges must address to build VANETs that improve driver assistance, safety, and traffic management. Another big problem is the development of expandable route findings that can assess fast topography variations and numerous network detachments brought on through excellent vehicle quality. This paper will first discuss extensive technological investigations comprising and defects of the current progressive routing algorithms. Then, author suggests an entirely original routing theme called Emergency Data Transmission using ACO (EDTA). Design this protocol to use any freeway the ambulance driver has access to or any less-traveled paths with the least amount of communication overhead and delay and the highest amount of communication throughput. The patients received treatment more promptly since the driver was alerted earlier. Author developed a novel fitness function for the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) that concentrates on two crucial vehicle parameters: current travel speed and data/network congestion. The ACO is used to optimize to identify a more stable and reliable channel that enables rapid communication between vehicles. The performance of this protocol will compare to that of a state-of-the-art protocol in conclusion with “average throughput”, “packet delivery ratio”, “communication overhead”, average delay, received packets, and other metrics.
Keywords—emergency automobile, internet of things, vehicular base ant colony optimization, vehicular adhoc networks, evaluation metrices

Cite: Chetana Hemant Nemade and Uma Pujeri, "Emergency Automobile Data Transmission with Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 1003-1011, 2023.

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