Home > Published Issues > 2023 > Volume 14, No. 4, 2023 >
JAIT 2023 Vol.14(4): 685-693
doi: 10.12720/jait.14.4.685-693

A Distributed Software Project Management Framework

Kamal Uddin Sarker 1,*, Raza Hasan 2,*, Aziz Bin Deraman 1, and Salman Mahmmod 3
1. Department of Informatics, Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Kelautan dan Informatik, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia; Email: a.d@umt.edu.my (A.B.D.)
2. Department of Computing and IT, Global College of Engineering and Technology, Muscat, Oman
3. Department of IT, School of Science and Engineering, Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Selangor, Malaysia; Email: salman.mahmood@phd.must.edu.my (S.M.)
*Correspondence: kusarker@umt.edu.my (K.U.S.), raza.h@gcet.edu.om (R.H.)

Manuscript received November 19, 2022; revised February 23 2023; accepted April 18, 2023; published July 19, 2023.

Abstract—The software industry is enjoying the permeable and trans-border flow of software markets and can access resources from all corners of the world. Software engineers gain international work experience through a distributed working environment. It involves participation from individuals with different cultures, languages, and geographic time zones to work on a single project. In addition to providing global opportunities for software experts and businessmen, it also introduces new project management challenges. Barriers exist in trust, communication, monitoring, languages, cultures, and time zones. Distance mode management faces more technical challenges due to stakeholders’ ambiguous understanding and various documentation. This study addresses an in-depth analysis of challenges and currently practicing methods. Moreover, a new virtual project management framework is proposed to minimize issues and maximize the virtual project management team’s throughput. The framework is compared with commonly used methodologies by experts who have experience in global software project management, and the analysis is performed using the analytical hierarchy process. The evaluation matrix has shown that the proposed model is adequate for distance project management with better score in virtual scope and virtual management). Its excellency is in standard documentation practice, change management, and improving re-usability practice that will enhance business goals and stakeholder’s satisfaction.
Keywords—virtual software project, distibuted project management, methodology, analytical hierarchy process, sustainability, business goals

Cite: Kamal Uddin Sarker, Raza Hasan*, Aziz Bin Deraman, and Salman Mahmmod, "A Distributed Software Project Management Framework," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 685-693, 2023.

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