Home > Published Issues > 2023 > Volume 14, No. 3, 2023 >
JAIT 2023 Vol.14(3): 581-593
doi: 10.12720/jait.14.3.581-593

Designing an Android Application for Electronic Booking in Health Clinics and Building Health Record System

Mohammad M. Qabajeh *, Shima Mousa, Hamam Abo Saleh, and Jamila Abo Hasan
Department of Applied Computing, Faculty of Applied Science, Palestine Technical University, Kadoorie, Palestine; Email: s.m.musa@students.ptuk.edu.ps (S.M.), h.o.saleh@students.ptuk.edu.ps (H.A.S.), j.s.abuhassan@students.ptuk.edu.ps (J.A.H.)
*Correspondence: mohammad.qabajeh@ptuk.edu.ps (M.M.Q.)

Manuscript received September 25, 2022; revised October 16, 2022; accepted November 22, 2022; published June 25, 2023.

Abstract—With the availability of fast internet technology and smart phones, there is a need for improvement in the interaction system between the doctors and patients. Nowadays, parents have heavy workload and work pressure which makes it difficult to remember important details about their children, especially the vaccination details for children. In addition, the lack of awareness of disease symptoms increases the probability of many serious and fatal diseases. Therefore, it is important to build an appointment and consultation system for medical vaccinations for children up to six years. In this paper, we have designed an effective booking system using Android-based mobile application and interactive website. A centralized database is developed to process the appointments and manage the health records. In this system, four modules are developed, i.e., Patient module Doctor module, Nurse module and Manager module. Our proposed system aims to improve the quality of healthcare by enhancing the appointment scheduling. Also, the system reduce the effort and time spent to perform the vaccinations appointment process and to insure that the vaccinations are taken on time.
Keywords—vaccination, appointment, mobile application, website design, patient, booking system, healthcare

Cite: Mohammad M. Qabajeh, Shima Mousa, Hamam Abo Saleh, and Jamila Abo Hasan, "Designing an Android Application for Electronic Booking in Health Clinics and Building Health Record System," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 581-593, 2023.

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