Home > Published Issues > 2023 > Volume 14, No. 2, 2023 >
JAIT 2023 Vol.14(2): 168-177
doi: 10.12720/jait.14.2.168-177

Using IoT-Enabled RFID Smart Cards in an Indoor People-Movement Tracking System with Risk Assessment

Mary Jane C. Samonte*, Darwin A. Medel, Joshua Millard N. Odicta, and Ma. Zhenadoah Leen T. Santos
School of Information Technology, Mapua University, Makati City, Philippines; Email: {damedel, jmnodicta, mzltsantos}@mymail.mapua.edu.ph (D.A.M., J.M.N.O., M.Z.L.T.S.)
*Correspondence: mjcsamonte@yahoo.com (M.J.C.S.)

Manuscript received May 10, 2022; revised July 30, 2022; accepted August 30, 2022; published March 8, 2023.

Abstract—As the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged the planet at a standstill, remote employment seemed inescapable. Still, for some businesses that rely on the on-site presence of employees, this was a lethal blow. As time passed, restrictions got looser and allowed people to strike a balance between on-site and remote work. Thus, tracking people’s indoor movements for purposes involving activity inference, security, and contact tracing is more crucial than ever before. This research explores the applicability of (Radio Frequency Identification) RFID contactless smart cards in tracking people’s movement within an enclosed establishment by building a proof-of-concept prototype that allows the mentioned purposes. Furthermore, the system underwent multiple test phases to verify that the system meets the functional and non-functional requirements listed to ensure the system’s operational success. Consequently, the test results prove that: 1) the system is behaving as intended; 2) the system is secure from known high-risk vulnerabilities; and 3) the system satisfies user requirements and standards, thus fulfilling the functional and non-functional requirements for a human-tracking movement system.
Keywords—Internet-of-Things, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), smart card, indoor tracking system, risk assessment

Cite: Mary Jane C. Samonte, Darwin A. Medel, Joshua Millard N. Odicta, and Ma. Zhenadoah Leen T. Santos, "Using IoT-Enabled RFID Smart Cards in an Indoor People-Movement Tracking System with Risk Assessment," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 168-177, 2023.

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