Digital preservation is seen as the set of processes and activities that ensure information which now exists in digital formats is backed up and distributed to guarantee continued access for the long term. The digital content of the journal is extremely valuable and measures are in place to ensure both its current accessibility and long-term preservation.
As a journal in scholarly research, JAIT recognises the role as custodian of scholarly content, and is committed to the preservation of the scholarship in its research for generations to come. The preservation policy includes the following measures:
Website Archiving
All of our electronic content (website, manuscripts, etc.) is stored on two sources. Content on one server is online and accessible to the readers. The copy of the same content is kept as a backup as another source. In case of failure of one server, another source can be made online and website expected to be accessible within less than 48 hours.
For the purposes of record-keeping, JAIT retains copies of submitted manuscripts and supporting files. However, for articles that are rejected we will comply with requests from authors to delete files.
Our journal’s Abstracting/Indexing services store many essential information about the articles. All papers published by JAIT, with digital identifier objects (DOIs) are submitted to Crossref, which provides permanent digital archiving for scholarly journals.Additionally, JAIT has an agreement with EBSCO Industries Inc. to have the full-text of articles included in EBSCO. The full text is also indexed by ESCI and archived in Web of Science.
As per the Journal’s Open Access Policy, authors are entitled to make their article available publicly in various domains and repositories according to the terms of the CC-BY-NC-ND license. When reusing, distributing, posting or archiving articles, the journal must be attributed clearly as the original publication authority and correct details of citation must be provided.
JAIT allows and encourage authors to post both their pre- and post-publication manuscripts including published version, accepted version and submitted version for self-archiving and/or archiving in an institutional repository on condition that the published source is acknowledged and a link to the journal home page or articles' DOI is set. These practices benefit authors with productive exchanges as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.
Submitted version
The original manuscript before officially accepted by a journal can be freely shared or uploaded via social media, their own personal website, scholarly collaboration network or a preprint server meant for non-commercial use. Posting the article on a preprint server will not be considered as a duplicate publication.
[Preprint: Authors must disclose details of preprint posting, including licensing terms and DOI upon manuscript submission in our Journal. Once the preprint is published, it is the responsibility of the author to make sure that a publication reference is updated in the preprint record along with a URL and DOI link to the published version of the paper on the website.]
Accepted version
Once a paper gets accepted by JAIT after standard peer-review, we encourage authors to post the accepted manuscript at any point , given a link is inserted from your posted paper to the published article with correct citation format:
Author name, "Article title," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, year, accepted for publication.
Published version
This is the citable and final version of the paper which has been typeset, had metadata applied, copyedited and allocated Digital Object Identifier or DOI. On publication, authors are allowed to link to the publication page using the DOI or authors can post the article PDF on any non-commercial repositories and websites. Authors can link the published version along with incorporating the correct citation format:
Author name, "Article title," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, vol., no., page, doi.